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Drought Info for Pool Owners

Posted in Redlands Pool & Spa Center | July 8 , 2015


Our three seasons of warm and sunny weather have made swimming pools a way of life in Southern California.  However, the current drought has caused some people to question whether pools are water wasters and has spurred others to study ways to minimize evaporation and the conditions leading to a need for draining and refilling a pool.  Water is lost through evaporation, splash-out, and through backwashing.  It is normally replaced, small amounts at a time, by topping off the pool as needed.  Water quality is also a factor in the need to replace water.  Here are some thoughts to consider:

  • When we minimize evaporation, water officials say pools are less wasteful than lawns or leaky toilets.
  • Some studies have shown that a typical pool, especially one with a solar cover, uses less water than an equal area planted in lawn.
  • A solar cover on a pool sharply reduces evaporation, by as much as 50% to 90%, making the need to add water minimal even in very hot weather.
  • For those who find traditional solar covers inconvenient, there are options.  Liquid solar blanket products are easy, safe, and effective when replaced monthly.  Solar Sun Rings, purchased in enough quantity to cover the pool, offer the effectiveness of a solar cover in small, easily removable shapes.
  • Water use can be reduced by turning off waterfalls and fountains and checking for leaks in the pool or equipment.
  • A common cause for draining a pool is very high levels of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS).  This can be delayed by maintaining proper wateBio-Active cya reducerr chemical balance, so that TDS levels do not reach the point where they keep sanitizers and filters from doing their job.
  • Another situation calling for draining and refilling is very high levels of Cyanuric Acid.  Again, this can be minimized by maintaining the proper water chemical balance.  Having water professionally tested by a pool professional with computerized water testing can keep pool owners on the right track.  Should the CYA reach very high levels, a new product called “Bio-Active” can reduce the amount of cyanuric acid in a pool, delaying or completely alleviating the need to drain and refill it.

As leaders in the pool industry, we want to do all we can to encourage responsible water use.  We also feel that swimming pools can be managed responsibly without eliminating their use, their benefits, and the enjoyment we all derive from them.  Swimming pools provide one of the best forms of exercise for all ages, a way to connect with family and friends, and the perfect remedy on a hot summer day.  Enjoy!

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